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Power supply module (PSM)
The power supply module (PSM) supplies main power for driving motors and supplies control power to other modules.
A PSM specification is selected according to the servo motors and spindle motor used.
There are three types of power supply module,
<1> Power supply module (PSM): This power supply module is designed to provide a main power supply of 200 to 240 V.
The module uses power regeneration that returns energy to the power supply during motor deceleration (regeneration).
<2> Power supply module (PSMR):
This power supply module is designed to provide a main power supply of 200 to 240 V.
The module uses an external regenerative discharge resistor that allows energy to be consumed by resistor during motor deceleration (regeneration).
Regenerative discharge unit is a resistance used to consume energy during motor deceleration (regeneration).
This unit is required whenever the PSMR is used.
<3> Power supply module (PSM-HV):
This power supply module can be connected to a main power supply of 400 to 480V without a transformer.
The module uses power regeneration that returns energy to the power supply during motor deceleration (regeneration).
It is used together with a servo amplifier module (SVM-HV) and spindle amplifier module (SPM–HV) of the 400-V input series.
PSM - x HV i
(A) (B) (C)
(A) Model name: PSM = Power supply module
PSMR= Power supply module (register discharge type)
(B) Rated output: Numeric value representing a continuous rating in kW
(C) For an amplifier supporting 400-V input, "HV" is added.
Power supply of 200-V input series
(1) Power specification
Power supply voltage for the main circuit
Three-phase 200 VAC to 240 VAC
Power supply voltage for the control circuit
Single-phase 200 VAC to 240 VAC (input from connector
Allowable voltage deviation
-15% to +10% (including voltage variation due to load)
Power frequency 50/60Hz, ±1Hz
Power supply unbalance ±5% of the rated voltage or less
Power supply impedance (Note)
The voltage variation must be within ±7% when a maximum
output is produced for voltage at non-load time (power running and
NOTE: When the power supply impedance is high, and the voltage variation
exceeds the specified values,
a PSM alarm (DC link undervoltage alarm or DC link overvoltage alarm) is issued,
or the output of the motor can decrease.
(1)The control circuit power to the power supply
module (power input to CX1A) must be turned on before the power to the CNC is
turned on.
or within 500 ms after the power to the CNC is turned on.
(2) DO NOT install a capacitor unit for power-factor improvement.
The capacitor unit for power-factor improvement may adversely affect power
(3) The rated output of the motor is guaranteed for the rated input voltage.
If the input voltage changes, the rated output may not appear even when the
input voltage change is within the allowable range.
(4) When the power supply is used in an area where the input voltage is not
within the range of 200 to 240 VAC, a power transformer is required.
When a power transformer is to be provided by the user, the power must satisfy
the specifications of the PSM used.
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