KFAS: Fanuc Parts & Repair




WARNING: In general, parameter settings are unique to each machine and it is NOT recommended to use parameters from one machine for another. 

Over the years from servicing various types of machine tools, we have accumulated parameter backup from these machines. 

The following is the list of machines that we currently have parameter backup on file.

Fanuc parameter backup procedures

Leadwell MCV-2000P Fanuc 0MF

Leadwell MCV-1000 Fanuc 0MF

Leadwell V20 Fanuc 0MD

Leadwell V25 Fanuc 21MB

Leadwell V30-i Fanuc 0iMC

Leadwell MV-50i Fanuc 18iMB

Leadwell LTC-10 Fanuc 0TA

Leadwell LTC-25CL Fanuc 0i-TD

Leadwell LTC-15 Fanuc 0TA

Leadwell LTC-30P Fanuc 0TC

Leadwell MCV-610AP Fanuc 0MF

Leadwell T-7 Fanuc 0iTC

Leadwell T-8 Fanuc 0iTC

Leadwell V-40 Fanuc 0iMB

Leadwell V-40iT Fanuc 0iMF

Leadwell V-50i Fanuc 0iMD

Leadwell V-50i Fanuc 0iMD

Leadwell V-60iT Fanuc 0iMF

Leadwell LTC-25CL Fanuc 0iTD

Leadwell MH-400i Fanuc 18iMB

Leadwell T-7SMY Fanuc 0iTF

Leadwell T-8 Fanuc 0iTC

Leadwell T-8 Fanuc 0iTD

Leadwell 760AP

Leadwell SV500

Leadwell LTC-30

Leadwell MCV-610T

Leadwell MCV-760AP

Leadwell MCV-1300ER

Leadwell V-25 Fanuc 21MB

Leadwell V-30

Leadwell LTC-15


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