KFAS: Fanuc CNC Parts, Service, & Repair



Fanuc Series 15i Alarms

Related Manuals

Operator's Manual (Programming): B-63324EN 
Operator's Manual (Operation): B-63324EN-1 
Maintenance Manual: B-63325EN 
Parameter Manual: B-63330EN


Program Errors /Alarms on program and operation (P/S alarm)

BG0590: TH Error (Background Edit) 
A TH error was detected during reading from an input device. The read code that caused the TH error and how many statements it is from the block can be verified in the diagnostic screen.
Modify/check file being read into the control.

BG0591: TV Error (Background Edit) 
An error was detected during the single block TV error. 
The TV check can be suppressed by setting TVC parameter No. 0000#0 to "0". 

BG0592: End of Record (Background Edit) 
The EOR (End of Record) code is specified in the middle of a block. This alarm is also generated when the percent sign (%) at the end of the NC program is read. 
Modify the program. Modify program.

BG0805: Illegal Command (Background Edit) 
An attempt was made to specify an illegal command during I/O processing on an I/O device. 
Modify program.

BG0806: Device Type Miss Match (Background Edit) 
An operation not possible on the I/O device that is currently selected in the setting was specified. This alarm is also generated when file rewind is instructed even though the I/O device is not a FANUC Cassette. 
Set I/O device correctly.

BG0807: Parameter Setting Error (Background Edit) 
An I/O interface option that has not yet been added on was specified. The external I/O device and baud rate, stop bit and protocol selection settings are erroneous. 
Check RS232 parameters. Verify parameter Nos. 5001, 5002, 5003, 5100 ~ 5162.

BG0808: Device Double Opened (Background Edit) 
An attempt was made to open a device that is being accessed. 
Use correct procedure.

BG0820: DR Signal Off (1st Interface) (Background Edit) 
Data set ready signal of reader / puncher interface 1 turned off. 
Make sure RS232 cable attached. Verify RS232 parameters are set correctly (parameter Nos. 0000, 5001, 5002, 5110, 5111, 5112 on Service Page and Punch Code, Input Device, and Output Device on Setting Page). 

BG0822: Overrun Error (1st Interface) (Background Edit) 
The next character was received before reading a character received by reader / puncher interface 1. 
Check file being sent and retry.

BG0823: Framing Error (1st Interface) (Background Edit) 
The stop bit of a character received by reader / puncher interface 1 was not detected. 
Check parameter No. 5111 and make sure it is set correctly.

BG0824: Buffer Overflow (1st Interface) (Background Edit) 
Data exceeding 10 characters were received after sending the stop code (DC3) when the NC receives data by reader / puncher interface 1. 
Check signals between control and computer with a protocol analyzer to see where the fault lies. Try lowering the baud rate. Replace faulty component.

BG0830: DR Signal Off (2nd Interface) (Background Edit) 
Data set ready signal of reader / puncher interface 2 turned off. Make sure RS232 cable attached. 
Verify RS232 parameters are set correctly (parameter Nos. 0000, 5001, 5002, 5120, 5121, 5122 on Service Page and Punch Code, Input Device, and Output Device on Setting Page). 

BG0832: Overrun Error (2nd Interface) (Background Edit) 
The next character was received before reading a character received by reader / puncher interface 2. 
Check file being sent and retry. Check file being sent and retry

BG0833: Framing Error (2nd Interface) (Background Edit) 
The stop bit of a character received by reader / puncher interface 2 was not detected. 
Check parameter No. 5121 and make sure it is set correctly.

BG0834: Buffer Overflow (2nd Interface) (Background Edit) 
Data exceeding 10 characters were received after sending the stop code (DC3) when the NC receives data by reader / puncher interface 2. 
Check signals between control and computer with a protocol analyzer to see where the fault lies. Try lowering the baud rate. Replace faulty component. 

BG0840: DR Signal Off (3rd Interface) (Background Edit) 
Data set ready signal of reader / puncher interface 3 turned off. 
Make sure RS232 cable attached. Verify RS232 parameters are set correctly (parameter Nos. 0000, 5001, 5002, 5130, 5131, 5132 on Service Page and Punch Code, Input Device, and Output Device on Setting Page).

BG0842: Overrun Error (3rd Interface) (Background Edit) 
The next character was received before reading a character received by reader / puncher interface 3. 
Check file being sent and retry. Check file being sent and retry

BG0843: Framing Error (3rd Interface) (Background Edit) 
The stop bit of a character received by reader / puncher interface 3 was not detected. 
Check parameter No. 5131 and make sure it is set correctly.

BG0844: Buffer Overflow (3rd Interface) (Background Edit) 
Data exceeding 10 characters were received after sending the stop code (DC3) when the NC receives data by reader / puncher interface 3. 
Check signals between control and computer with a protocol analyzer to see where the fault lies. Try lowering the baud rate. Replace faulty component.

BG0850: DR Signal Off (4th Interface) (Background Edit) 
Data set ready signal of reader / puncher interface 3 turned off. 
Make sure RS232 cable attached. Verify RS232 parameters are set correctly (parameter Nos. 0000, 5001, 5002, 5140, 5141, 5142 on Service Page and Punch Code, Input Device, and Output Device on Setting Page).

BG0852: Overrun Error (4th Interface) (Background Edit) 
The next character was received before reading a character received by reader / puncher interface 4. 
Check file being sent and retry.

BG0853: Framing Error (4th Interface) (Background Edit) 
The stop bit of a character received by reader / puncher interface 4 was not detected. 
Check parameter No. 5141 and make sure it is set correctly.

BG0854: Buffer Overflow (4th Interface) (Background Edit) 
Data exceeding 10 characters were received after sending the stop code (DC3) when the NC receives data by reader / puncher interface 4. 
Check signals between control and computer with a protocol analyzer to see where the fault lies. Try lowering the baud rate. Replace faulty component.

BG0860: DR Signal Off (Modem Card) (Background Edit) 
The data set ready input signal DR of the modem card was turned off. 
Verify communication parameters for modem card.

BG0862: Overrun Error (Modem Card) (Background Edit) 
Before a character received from the modem card could be read, the next character was received. 
Check file being sent and retry.

BG0863: Framing Error (Modem Card) (Background Edit) 
The stop bit of a character received from the modem card was not detected. 
Check file being sent. Check communication parameters for modem card.

BG0864: Buffer Overflow (Modem Card) (Background Edit) 
Although the NC sent a stop code (DC3) to the modem card when receiving data, data consisting of more than 10 characters was received. 
Check PCMCIA slot.

BG0910: Device Driver Error (Undefined) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred during device driver control. 
Check the device driver.

BG0911: V-Device Driver Error (Device) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred during device driver control. 
Check the device.

BG0912: V-Device Driver Error (Open) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred during device driver control. 
Check the device.

BG0913: V-Device Driver Error (Command) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred during device driver control. 
Check the device.

BG0914: V-Device Driver Error (Range) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred during device driver control. 
Check the device.

BG0915: V-Device Driver Error (Test) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred during device driver control. 
Check the device.

BG0950: Driver Error (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred in the memory card device driver. 
Check device driver.

BG0960: Access Error (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
Illegal memory card accessing. 
This alarm is also generated during reading when reading is executed up to the end of the file without detection of the EOR code. Check memory card and file.

BG0961: Not Ready (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The memory card is not ready. 
Re-mount memory card and retry.

BG0962: Card Full (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The memory card has run out of space. 
Delete any unnecessary files on memory card.

BG0963: Card Protected (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The memory card is write-protected. 
Set memory card to unprotect and retry.

BG0964: Not Mounted (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The memory card could not be mounted. 
Check PCMCIA slot for damage. Re-mount memory card and retry. 

BG0965: Directory Full (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The file could not be generated in the root directory for the memory card. 
Delete any unnecessary files on memory card and retry.

BG0966: File Not Found (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The specified file could not be found on the memory card. 
Verify correct file name is being used.

BG0967: File Protected (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The memory card is write-protected. 
Set memory card to unprotect and retry.

BG0968: Illegal File Name (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
Illegal memory card file name. 
Correct file name and retry.

BG0969: Illegal Format (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
Check the file name. 
Correct file name and retry.

BG0970: Illegal Card (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The memory card cannot be handled. 
Try a recommended memory card.

BG0971: Erase Error (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred during memory card erase. 
Reseat memory card and retry delete function.

BG0972: Battery Low (Memory Card) (Background Edit) 
The memory card battery is low. 
Replace memory card battery.

BG0973: File Already Exists (Background Edit) 
A file having the same name already exists on the memory card. 
Use a different file name or delete existing file and retry.

BG1030: Not Ready (Data Server) (Background Edit) 
With the Ethernet/Data Server function being used, the board was found to be not ready. 
Check pcb for alarms. Refer to the Ethernet/Data Server Operator's manual for further direction.

BG1032: Board Error (Data Server) (Background Edit) 
With the Ethernet/Data Server function being used, an error was returned from the board. 
Check the Ethernet/Data Server alarm page and consult the operator's manual for troubleshooting.

BG1033: Time Over (Data Server) (Background Edit) 
With the Ethernet/Data Server function being used, a CNC time-over occurred. 
Refer to the Ethernet/Data Server Operator's manual for further direction. 

BG1034: CNC Error (Data Server) (Background Edit) 
With the Ethernet/Data Server function being used, an error occurred in the CNC. 
Check CNC alarm and refer to the FS15i Maintenance manual for further direction.

BG1035: Sequence Error (Data Server) (Background Edit) 
With the Ethernet/Data Server function being used, a conflict occurred in the CNC. 
Check CNC alarm and refer to the FS15i Maintenance manual for further direction.

BG1036: Mode Error (Data Server) (Background Edit) 
With the Ethernet/Data Server function being used, the mode cannot be changed. 
Use correct procedure.

BG1037: Double Open (Data Server) (Background Edit) 
With the Ethernet/Data Server function being used, an attempt was made to open the same file twice. 
Use the correct procedure.

BG1040: Device Open Error (Remote Dgn) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred upon attempting to open an I/O device for remote diagnosis. 
Check device and ensure that cabling is correct.

BG1041: Illegal Command (Remote Dgn) (Background Edit) 
An invalid command was specified for an I/O device for remote diagnosis. 
Check command being used and correct.

BG1042: Data Input Error (Remote Dgn) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred in data input to an I/O device for remote diagnosis. 
Check device.

BG1043: Data Output Error (Remote Dgn) (Background Edit) 
An error occurred in data output from an I/O device for remote diagnosis. 
Check device and ensure that cabling is correct.

IO0001: File Access Error
The resident type file system could not be accessed as an error occurred in the resident type file system. 
Use correct procedure.

IO0002: File System Error 
The file could not be accessed as an error occurred in the CNC file system. 
Use correct procedure.

IO0030: Check Sum Error 
The checksum of the CNC part program storage memory is incorrect. 
Clear and reload memory.

IO0032: Memory Access Over Range 
Accessing of data occurred outside the CNC part program storage memory range. 
Use correct procedure. 

OH0001: Locker Overheat CNC cabinet overheat. 
Verify good airflow in cabinet and fans operational. 
Verify good airflow and fan operation.

OH0002: Fan Motor Stop OCB cooling fan motor abnormality. 
Check fan motors. 
Check fan motors.

OT0001: Overtravel + (Soft 1) 
When the tool was moving in the plus direction it entered the forbidden area of the stored stroke limit 1 set by parameter No. 5220. While moving in the positive direction of a hypothetical axis, the tool exceeded the limit set in the hypothetical axis stroke limit. While moving in the positive direction of a hypothetical axis, the eccentric tool length (R) was exceeded. 
Make sure parameter is set correctly. Move out of forbidden area. Check parameter No. 5220.

OT0002: Overtravel - (Soft 1) 
When the tool was moving in the negative direction it entered the forbidden area of the stored stroke limit 1 set by parameter No. 5221. 
While moving in the negative direction of a hypothetical axis, the tool exceeded the limit set in the hypothetical axis stroke limit. While moving in the negative direction of a hypothetical axis, the eccentric tool length (R) was exceeded. 

Check parameter No. 5221. Move out of forbidden area.

OT0003: Overtravel + (Soft 2) 
When the tool was moving in the plus direction it entered the forbidden area of the stored stroke limit 2 set by parameter No. 5222, or the tool entered the out-of-bounds chuck/tool stock area. Parameter No. 5210#0 when set to 1 activates second stored stroke limit. 
Check parameter No. 5222. Move out of forbidden area.

OT0004: Overtravel - (Soft 2) 
When the tool was moving in the negative direction it entered the forbidden area of the stored stroke limit 2 set by parameter No. 5223, or the tool entered the out-of-bounds chuck/tool stock area. Parameter No. 5210#0 when set to 1 activates second stored stroke limit. 
Move axis out of forbidden area. Check parameter No. 5223.

OT0007: Overtravel + (Hardware) 
The (+) side hardware overtravel switch has been tripped. 
Move off of switch. Make sure 24v is present to the OT switch and it is working properly. The signal is active low requiring 24v applied to deactivate so loss of 24v or tripping switch causes the alarm.

OT0008: Overtravel - (Hardware) 
The (-) side hardware overtravel switch has been tripped. 
Move off of switch. Make sure 24v is present to the OT switch and it is working properly. The signal is active low requiring 24v applied to deactivate so loss of 24v or tripping switch causes the alarm.

OT0021: Overtravel + (Pre-Check) 
The tool entered the inhibited area of the (+) direction in the stroke check before movement. 
This check is activated when parameter No. 5200#7 = 1. Check program and ensure movement does not go into an inhibited area.

OT0022: Overtravel - (Pre-Check) 
The tool entered the inhibited area of the (-) direction in the stroke check before movement. 
This check is activated when parameter No. 5200#7 = 1. Check program and ensure movement does not go into an inhibited area.

OT0030: Excess Error Alarm 1 
Synchronous error excessive alarm 1 is executed. 
Verify parameter No. 1916 is set correctly.

OT0031: Synchronize Adjust Mode 
In the synchronous modification mode (parameter No. 1803#1 = 1). 
Set parameter No. 1803#1 = 0. 

OT0032: Reference Return Required (Absolute Pulse Coder) 
The counter value of the absolute pulse coder does not match the machine coordinates. 
Re-reference the axis.

OT0034: Battery Zero (Absolute Pulse Coder) 
The battery voltage of the absolute pulse coder is 0v. 
Check whether the battery is connected properly. Check the battery voltage and replace if needed.If battery is okay, power machine down and disconnect feedback cable from motor and measure battery voltage at connector to see if cable is faulty.

OT0035: Impossible Zero Return (Serial) 
An attempt was made to create correspondence between the reference position and the absolute position detector when the origin cannot be established. 
Manually reference axis and retry.

OT0036: Battery Down (Absolute Pulse Coder) 
Low absolute position detector battery voltage. 
Replace battery.

OT0120: Unassigned Address (High) 
An undefined address (high division) was specified for high-order 4 bits (EIA4 - EIA7) of address signal of external data I/O interface. 
Check I/O signals on ladder.

OT0121: Unassigned Address (Low) 
An undefined address (high division) was specified for low-order 4 bits (EIA0 - EIA3) of address signal of external data I/O interface. 
Check I/O signals on ladder.

OT0122: Too Many Message 
Display of five or more external operator messages or external alarm messages was demanded. 
Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause.

OT0123: Message Number Not Found 
External operator message or external alarm message cannot be cancelled because the specified message number is missing. 
Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause.

OT0124: Output Request Error 
Output request was made again during external data output or output request was made to an address where no output data is present. 
Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause.

OT0125: Too Large Number 
A number other than 0 to 4095 was specified as a number of the external operator message or external alarm message. 
Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause.

OT0126: Specified Number Not Found 
[External Data I/O] The No. specified for a program No. or sequence No. search could not be found. 
There was an I/O request issued for a pot No. or offset (tool data), but either no tool numbers have been input since power ON or there is no data for the entered tool No. Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause.

OT0127: DI.EIDHW Out of Range 
A value entered by external data input signal EID32 ~ EID47 exceeds the maximum. 
Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause.

OT0128: DI.EIDLL Out of Range 
A value entered by external data input signal EID0 ~ EID31 exceeds the maximum. 
Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause. 

OT0129: Negate Position Coder 1 Rev ON 
CPU or peripheral circuit of position coder is defective. 
Replace position coder or peripheral circuit.

OT0130: Search Request Not Accepted 
Program number search or sequence number search request is not accepted because of not in memory mode or not in reset status. 
Use correct procedure.

OT0131: EXT-Data Error (Other) 
An attempt was made to input tool data for tool offset by a tool No. during loading by the G10 code. 
Use correct procedure

OT0132: Not On Return Point 
The tool did not arrive at the stored return position along the axis, or the position may have deviated by machine lock or mirror image operation during zero return. 
Manually reference axis and retry.

OT0150: A/D Convert Alarm 
The A/D converter has malfunctioned. 
Replaced the A/D converter.

OT0151: A/D Convert Alarm 
The A/D converter has malfunctioned. 
Replaced the A/D converter.

OT0184: Parameter Error in Torque 
An invalid parameter was set for torque control. 
The torque constant parameter is set to "0".Set parameter correctly.

OT0449: Zero Return Not Finished 
The interval of the actual match mark does not match the interval of the match mark set to the parameter on the match-marked linear scale. 
Check scale and parameters for scale. 

OT0450: Zero Return Not Finished 
No. 1 zero return (CDxX7 to CDxX0: 17h (Hex)) was specified when the manual reference zero return was not executed with the reference zero return function enabled (ZRN parameter No. 1005#0 set to "0"). 
Manually reference axis or set parameter No. 1005#0 to 1.

OT0451: Improper PMC Axis Command 
The PMC axes cannot be controlled in this state. 
Check PMC or consult Machine Tool Builder.

OT0512: Excess Velocity 
Feedrate which is in excess of the maximum cutting feedrate was commanded during polar coordinate system interpolation mode. 
Correct the program.

OT0513: Sync Excess Error 
The difference in the machine coordinate value during synchronize interpolation is equal to or greater than the synchronize error limit set in parameter No. 7723. Or the offset during synchronize alignment by the machine coordinate values was equal to or greater than the maximum offset set in parameter No. 7724. 
Check applications. Check parameter No. 7724.