KFAS: Fanuc Parts & Repair




WARNING: In general, parameter settings are unique to each machine and it is NOT recommended to use parameters from one machine for another. 

When contacting us, please include your machine model & serial number as well as the Fanuc control model.

Fanuc parameter backup procedures

Excel 10T24 with 21MB

Excel 510 with 0MC

Excel 810T24 with 0MC

Excel 810T24N with 0MC

Excel CMT350T20 with 21MB

Excel MKC 500 with 0MC

Excel PMC 5T18 with 21MB

Excel PMC 5VT20 with 0MC

Excel PMC-10T24 Fanuc 21MB

Excel SMT-350T20 with 21MB


  © Copyright KFASLLC Houston, Texas, USA