A06B-6164-H223#H580 or A06B6164H223
A06B-6164-H223#H580 - SERVO/SPINDLE MODULE MDL BiSVSP 40/40-15
Repair available at $2300 including UPS GND shipping. 2 day turnaround, 12-month warranty.
L axis: 13A, M axis: 13A, Spindle 64A
A06B-6164-H223#H580 Series has two LED status indicators.
Alarm Code Description
Status 1
01 Motor overheat
02 Excessive speed deviation
DC link fuse is blown
04 Open phase in the converter
main power supply
6, 06 Temperature sensor disconnected
7, 07 Excessive speed
9, 09 Main circuit overload/IPM overheat
11 Converter: DC link overvoltage
12 IPM alarm
18 Program sum check error
19 Excessive offset of the phase
U current detection circuit
20 Excessive offset of the phase
V current detection circuit
21 Position sensor polarity setting
is incorrect
24 Serial transfer data error
27 Position coder disconnected
29 Short-period overload
30 Overcurrent in the converter input
31 Motor lock alarm
32 Serial communication LSI RAM
33 Converter: DC link precharge
34 Parameter data out of the
35 Gear ratio parameter error
36 Error counter overflow
37 Speed detector parameter error
41 Position coder one-rotation signal
detection error
42 Position coder one-rotation signal
not detected
46 Position sensor one-rotation signal
detection error during thread cutting
47 Position coder signal error
50 Excessive speed command calculation value
during spindle synchronization
51 Converter: DC link undervoltage
52 ITP signal error I
53 ITP signal error II
54 Current overload alarm
58 Converter: main circuit overload
73 Motor sensor disconnected
75 CRC test alarm
79 Abnormal initial test operation
81 Motor sensor one-rotation signal
detection error
82 Motor sensor one-rotation signal
not detected
83 Motor sensor signal error
84 Spindle sensor disconnected
85 Spindle sensor one-rotation signal
detection error
86 Spindle sensor one-rotation signal
not detected
87 Spindle sensor signal error
A, A1, A2 Program ROM error
b0 Communication error between
amplifier and module
b1 Converter: control power supply
low voltage
C0, C1, C2 Communication data alarm
Alarm Description
2 Inverter: control power supply
Inverter: DC link undervoltage
b Inverter: motor current alarm (L axis)
Inverter: motor current alarm (M axis)
d Inverter: motor current alarm (N axis)
8. Inverter: IPM alarm (L axis)
9. Inverter: IPM alarm (M axis)
A. Inverter: IPM alarm (N axis)
Inverter: radiator cooling fan stopped
6 Inverter: overheat
P Amplifier and module
communication error
U FSSB communication error (COP10B)
A06B6164-H223#H580 B65325E Manual
βiSVSP A06B-6164-H223#H580 Advantages
● All-in-one packaged Servo Amplifier: (servo 2 axes + spindle 1 axis): Fewer cable wiring are achieved by all-in-one structure.
● Energy Saving: Power source regeneration returns the deceleration energy of the motor to the power source.
● Addition of 2nd FSSB connector: Easy connection of multiple βiSVSPs or additional amplifier.
● Gravity-axis drop prevention function at power failure: Tool and work of machine is protected from breakage at power failure by activating the
motor brake quickly using built-in power failure detection function.
● Cs contouring control: For spindle separated sensor, αi BZ sensor is
supported to Cs Contouring control in addition to αi Position coder.
Other βiSVSP Units: