KFAS: Fanuc Parts & Repair



A06B-6114-H304 SVM3-i 20/20/40-i

Repair/ Return Option Available At $1250.

Rated Input: 283-325VDC 9.5 kW

Rated Output Current: L axis    6.5 A

                                           M axis    6.5 A

                                           N axis    13 A

A06B6114H304 B65282E Manual

Related technical information

Understanding Cooling Fan Alarms

A06B-6114-H304 Alarms Meaning and action to be taken

Alarm     Meaning
1              Internal Fan Stopped (FAL)
2              Low control power voltage (LV5V)
5              Low DC link voltage (LVDC)
6              Inverter Overheat          Alarm "6" or "b"?
F              External Cooling Fan Stop
P              Communication Error
8              L-axis over-current (HCL)
9              M-axis over-current (HCM)
A              N-axis over-current (HCN) 
b             L & M-axis over-current     Alarm "6" or "b"
C             M & N-axis over-current
d             L & N-axis over-current
E              L, M, N -axis over-current
8.             L-axis IPM alarm (IPML)
9.             M-axis IPM alarm (IPMM)
A.             N-axis IPM alarm (IPMN) 
b.            L & M-axis IPM alarm
C.            M & N-axis IPM alarm
d.            L & N-axis IPM alarm
E.             L, M, N-axis IPM alarm
L            FSSB Disconnect COP10A
U            FSSB Disconnect COP10B

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Purchasing options for the FANUC A06B-6114-H304 Servo Amplifier Drive can be viewed in the details above. KFASLLC offers a wide selection of FANUC parts in new and refurbished condition. 
If your FANUC A06B6114H304 drive needs to be repaired, we also offer 2 business days turnaround. Be sure to also check out our core credit exchange program for this and other products. 
KFASLLC offers a huge variety of other FANUC CNC Drives and other FANUC parts in our online store.

Fanuc Alpha Servo A06B-6114-H304 features
・high power and high acceleration due to optimum winding design and effective cooling structure.
・Increased torque at low speed range
・Super High precision and high resolution Alpha-iA pulse coder feedback (16,000,000 pulses/rev)
・Available with both 200V input and 400V input
・Compact size with latest intelligent Power Module (IPM) technology.
・Utilize power source regeneration technology to return regeneration energy of the motor to a power source.
Compared with the resistor regeneration, power consumption is largely reduced. A06B-6114-H304 is used (L & M axes) with αiF 1/5000, αiF 2/5000, αiS 2/5000, αiS 2/6000, αiS 4/5000.