KFAS: Fanuc Parts & Repair


A06B-6102-H255  SPM-55

Rated INPUT: 283-325VDC  56.0kW

Maximum OUTPUT: 230VAC  198A

Spindle Amplifier Module A06B-6102-H245#H520 is used with spindle motor Alpha30 and  Alpha40

Dimension: (W x H x D): 300mm x 380mm x 307mm

A06B6102H255 B65162E Manual

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A06B-6102-H255 Alpha Series Spindle Amplifier Module is equipped with Internal cooling fan A90L-0001-0422

A06B-6102-H255 Alarms Meaning and action to be taken
Alarm Fault 
–         Not Ready(Not an alarm)
0         Control Ready(Not an alarm)
1         Motor overheat 
2         Excessive Speed Error 
3         Fuse on DC Link Blown(SPM is faulty)
4         Input Fuse/Power Fault(PSM is faulty)
5         Power Supply Fuse Blown 
7         Overspeed 
8         High Voltage Power Input 
9         Overheat Main CIrcuit(SPM is faulty)
10         Low Voltage Input Power(Check input power)
11         Overvoltage in Power Circuit(PSM is faulty)
12         Overcurrent in Power Circuit 
13         Data Memory Fault CPU(SPM is faulty)
15         SP Switch Control Alarm 
16         RAM Fault(SPM is faulty)
18         Sumcheck Error PGM Data 
19         EX Offset Current U 
20         EX Offset Current V 
24         Serial Transfer Error(normal if CNC is OFF) 
25         Serial Transfer Stop 
26         Disconnect C Velocity Detect 
27         Pulsecoder Disconnected 
28         Disconnect C-Pos Detect 
29         Short time overload 
30         Overcurrent(PSM is faulty)
31         Motor Lock or V-Sig Lost 
32         Ram Fault Serial LSI 
33         Shortage Power Charge(PSM is faulty)
34         Parameter Setting Error 
35         Ex Setting Gear Ratio 
36         Overflow Error Counter 
37         Speed Detect Par. Error 
39         1-Rot Cs Signal Detect 
40         No 1 Rot Cs Signal Detect 
41         1-Rot Position Coder Error 
42         No 1 Rot. Position Coder Detect 
43         Disconnect PC for Dif SP Mod 
44         Control Circuit (AD) Error 
46         Screw 1-Rot Position Coder Alarm 
47         Position Coder Signal Abnormal 
49         High Conv. Diff. Speed 
50         Spindle Control Over Speed 
51         Low Voltage DC Link(PSM is faulty)
52         ITP Signal Abnormal 1 
53         ITP Signal Abnormal 2 
56         Inner Cooling Fan Stop 
57         Ex Deceleration Power 
58         Overload in PSM(PSM is faulty)
59         Cooling Fan Stopped in PSM(PSM is faulty)
66         Communication Alarm between Spindle and Amplifier 
69         Safety Speed Exceeded 
70         Abnormal Axis Data 
71         Abnormal Safety Parameter 
72         Motor Speed Mismatch 
73         Motor Sensor Disconnected 
74         CPU Test Alarm 
75         CRC Test Alarm 
76         Safety Function Not Executed 
77         Axis Number Mismatch 
78         Safety Parameter Mismatch 
79         Abnormal Initial Test Operation 
81         Motor Sensor one-rotation signal detection error 
82         Motor Sensor one-rotation signal not detected 
83         Motor Sensor Signal Error 
84         Spindle Sensor Disconnected 
85         Spindle Sensor one-rotation signal detection error 
86         Spindle Sensor one-rotation signal not detected 
87         Spindle Sensor Signal Error 
88         Cooling Fan on the radiator stopped(SPM is faulty)

A06B-6102-H245 is typically used with Fanuc 16MC, 16MA, 18TA, 18MC, 21TB, 16TB, 18TB, and 21MB controls.
Typically found on machines such as Youji YV1200

A06B-6102-H245 Alarm 12 and Alarm 03 Troubleshooting Steps
(1) Power off the machine. Remove the power line wires from the spindle amplifier terminals, and be sure to place them so that there is no chance or shorting out something in the electrical cabinet. Power ON the machine/ control and command the spindle. 
If Alarm 12 occurs, go to (3). If not, go to (2). 

(2) Check for insulation between PE and each of the removed power wires U, V, and W.  Good/ acceptable insulation is in the order of several HUNDRED MEGA OHMS or higher.  
If not, disconnect the power wires from the motor.  Then check for insulation again between PE and each of the U, V, and W terminals on the motor itself. If there is a short circuit between PE and  U, V, or W of the motor, replace the motor. 
If motor insulation is tested good, replace the motor power wires.

Related Part NumbersKFASLLC kfasllc.com
