KFAS: Fanuc Parts & Repair


A06B-6096-H218  SVM2-80S/80S


Dimensions (H 380 x W 60 x D 307 mm)

Rated Input: 283-325VDC 5.3 kW

Rated Output Current: L axis 12.5A, M axis 12.5A

A06B6096H218 B65165E Manual

Related technical information

Alarm 368 369 Note    Alarm 466 Note

A06B-6096-H218 Alarms Meaning and action to be taken

Alarm     Meaning
1              Internal Fan Stopped (FAL)
2              Low control power voltage (LV5V)
5              Low DC link voltage (LVDC)
8              L-axis over-current (HCL)
9              M-axis over-current (HCM)
A              N-axis over-current (HCN) 
b             L & M-axis over-current
C             M & N-axis over-current
d             L & N-axis over-current
E              L, M, N -axis over-current
8.             L-axis IPM alarm (IPML)
9.             M-axis IPM alarm (IPMM)
A.             N-axis IPM alarm (IPMN) 
b.            L & M-axis IPM alarm
C.            M & N-axis IPM alarm
d.            L & N-axis IPM alarm
E.             L, M, N-axis IPM alarm

L            FSSB Disconnect COP10A

U            FSSB Disconnect COP10B

Fanuc Alpha Servo A06B-6096-H218 features
high power and high acceleration due to optimum winding design and effective cooling structure.
Increased torque at low speed range
High precision and high resolution pulse coder feedback (1000000 pulses/revolution)
Available with both 200V input and 400V input
Compact size with latest intelligent Power Module (IPM) technology.
Utilize power source regeneration technology to return regeneration energy of the motor to a power source. 
Compared with the resistor regeneration, power consumption is largely reduced.

Related Part NumbersKFASLLC kfasllc.com

A20B-2100-0251 or A20B-2100-0541

A16B-2202-0772 or A16B-2203-0592

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